
Optimering är nyckeln till webbplatsers globala framgångar, säger MotionPoints SVP till Multichannel Merchant

Enbart översättning kan inte garantera en global webbplats framgång, skriver en av MotionPoints chefer. För att en webbplats ska ge resonans hos kunder bör du följa följande bästa praxis.

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15 oktober 2015


More and more companies are increasing their growth, and revenue, by expanding into global markets. And creating online experiences for these markets—in their languages of choice—is good business, writes Charles Whiteman in a recent post at Multichannel Merchant.

But Whiteman, MotionPoint's SVP of Client Services, warned that translation alone can't guarantee a global site's success. He shared several best practices to optimize the performance of a localized site. The goal: For the site to authentically resonate with its new customers, and make it easy for companies to serve them.

Indeed, after careful years-long analysis, MotionPoint has determined that only about one-third of a localized site's value comes from translation. The remaining two-thirds hails from other localizations and optimizations, Whiteman wrote.

Read more at Multichannel Merchant.

Uppdaterades senast den 15 oktober 2015
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