
MotionPoints VD förblir optimistisk om södra Floridas teknologivärld

Precis som andra entreprenörer är VD:n Will Fleming imponerad av den "intensiva och hälsosamma" tillväxten han har upplevt inom den lokala teknikvärlden sedan han grundade MotionPoint för 15 år sedan.

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17 augusti 2015


South Florida technology leader Citrix is currently experiencing a major transition in its management, which has left business analysts wondering about its future.

Will the 26-year-old company, which employs 1,700 in Fort Lauderdale alone, survive the shakeup? According to a recent Sun Sentinel business story, local business leaders believe South Florida’s technology scene can easily adapt to, or absorb, any disruption that Citrix’s changes might make.

MotionPoint CEO Will Fleming was one of several leaders showcased in the article. Like other entrepreneurs, Fleming remains impressed by the "vibrant and healthy" growth he's seen in the local tech space since he co-founded MotionPoint 15 years ago.

“We were bullish then (about South Florida) and we’re bullish now,” he said.

Read the full Sun Sentinel story here.

Uppdaterades senast den 17 augusti 2015
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