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Viktiga frågor som marknadsförare måste ställa sig innan deras företag globaliseras

Marknadsföringsteam når framgång på globala marknader online genom att bedöma efterfrågan från kunder – och skapa en plan för att engagera dem på ett smart sätt.

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21 juni 2017

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

A strong online presence isn’t just a necessity for ensuring brand awareness and growing revenue, it’s also a must-have for supporting established customers, writes MotionPoint’s Executive Vice President Craig Witt in Digital Commerce 360.

But when a brand expands into new markets, this can get complicated, Witt observed. Companies must understand their customers' needs, and be ready to adapt and update their online presence to meet those needs.

This can be a daunting task, Witt said, but marketers can make it easier by first asking themselves two important questions: Is our brand accessible to new consumers? and Is our website relevant to their needs?

“Answering these questions honestly can mean the difference between a company winning big or falling short of more culturally relevant competitors,” Witt wrote.

He then explored those questions in depth and provided data-driven hints to help marketers find the answers.

Read the full story at Digital Commerce 360.

Uppdaterades senast den 21 juni 2017
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