Marketers: Here’s How You Can Successfully Lead and Advocate for a Translated Website

Whether you're in B2C or B2B, website localization is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Without it, you risk losing up to 40% of your market share. 

In our latest ebook, “A Marketer’s Guide: The Impact of Website Translation on Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs,” discover how you can 

  • Make the business case for website localization
  • Overcome 4 key marketing challenges with website localization
  • Create a translated website quickly and accurately

Download this ebook to receive:

  • Insights on how your marketing team can best align with sales, support and upper management on your website localization journey
  • Details on which KPIs will benefit the most
  • Valuable information on what makes for a best-in-class localization solution

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